EcoPark, Small Heath, Birmingham


Earlier this year, Tandem Projects completed a building for the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust (BBCWT) to create EcoPark in Small Heath Birmingham.

Yes, you heard right, a wildlife park in the centre of Birmingham. An oasis in a built-up area welcoming thousands of visitors a year. From trees, plants and water features to birds, frogs and newts. EcoPark is a place where the young can learn about nature, and adults can enjoy it with them.

Tandem Projects were approached by BBCWT to resolve a challenging requirement for the EcoPark. A building to accommodate teaching, training and events to increase the visitor capacity and activities offered by the Wildlife Trust.

With very limited space the priority was to protect, conserve and ultimately enhance the environment for wildlife. Although BBCWT already had ambitious plans it was apparent these might exceed the budget and overshoot the funding time scales.

Following a detailed research and auditing exercise Tandem were able to advise a clear strategy of what elements of the plan could be usefully retained and which would need to be re-worked. An ideal site was identified and Tandem were honoured to be appointed to manage and deliver all aspects of the professional team.

Fully operational within days of completion, the newly built Environment Centre nestles sympathetically in the EcoPark environs and is already adding value to the experience of visitors.  All delivered on budget and ahead of the funding deadline.

Graham Black of Tandem Projects said “This is a great initiative to be involved with. It embodies so many of the things we hold dear. To be part of the team to enhance an already remarkable wildlife centre has been truly invigorating.”

To learn more about the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust visit and to see the great things are going on at the EcoPark in Small Heath visit