Stratford Recreation Ground

Project Name:  Stratford Recreation Ground
Location: Stratford-upon-Avon 
Client: Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Net Value: £250,000


As part of a larger, multi-phase, public realm project, this first phase of works involved improvements to the user experience of the recreation ground. This included improvements to access together with a number of new and improved recreation facilities for children and adults to enjoy. 

Tandem provided full Project Management, Employer’s Agent and Quantity Surveying services to this project. From initial survey, through procurement of all design and specialist consultants to the Tandem team, we managed the entire process. Through a phased approach we delivered a children’s cycle training area with realistic roads, signs and even working traffic lights. A further phase created an outdoor playground for older children and an improvement to the environment of the existing outdoor gym. A final phase of works saw the creation of additional and widened footpaths to join together the existing network and provide accessibility for all across the recreation ground.

Heart of England Mencap was looking for a space to site a storage container to allow it to store accessible bikes on the recreation ground where they could be used by its clients. We identified an alternative solution by infilling a portion of the portico to the existing sports pavilion which was proving to be a public nuisance. This created a more secure and aesthetic solution to the storage issue whilst dealing with the public nuisance.


Project Challenge Our Response
The entire area needed to remain accessible during the works, including the existing weekly “Parkrun” which utilises the recreation ground for its events. Careful planning working with the contractor and stakeholders to understand the impact of the works on the use of the grounds allowed works to be phased, and alternative routes to be demarked to allow access around and across the space at all times.